Acceptable Use Policy


Section 1: Agreement To Rules

By using any website, e-mail account, domain hosting, database hosting or dedicated server hosting services with Weblix, the client agrees to all rules, regulations, and statements made in this Usage Agreement along with their consequences.

Section 2: Client Responsibility

The client alone is responsible for the content of their website and e-mail messages.

Section 3: Unsolicited E-Mail

No unsolicited e-mailing practices (spamming) shall be tolerated. This is to include any practices ascribed to the client, which may or may not involve a Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database account or dedicated server. This is to include any mass unsolicited e-mailing through the e-mail server of Weblix or any customer's dedicated server or e-mail account. Upon reviewing any reports received by Weblix regarding the client's unsolicited e-mailing practices, Weblix reserves the right to terminate the client's website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account and/or dedicated server within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of website hosting, e-mail account or dedicated server fees which the client may have paid in advance.

Section 4: Illegal Materials

No use of a client's Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server to promote, sell, trade, or give away the use of the following materials or information shall be tolerated: illegal material or information, stolen material or information, violation of trademarks, pirated material or information. Upon reviewing any reports received by Weblix regarding the client's use of their Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices regarding the addressed (above) material or information, Weblix reserves the right to terminate the client's website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.

Section 5: Explicit Content

No use of a client's Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account to promote material of a sexually explicit or illegal nature shall be tolerated. Let it be known that offensive material falling under the category of "sexually explicit or illegal nature" shall include, but not be limited to the following: any nude pictures of a human being used to exploit, advertise, or sell any product or service; any sort of child pornography, or attempt to display a child in a sexually suggestive manner; any written material describing and/or promoting any sexually explicit, harsh, or abusive acts; any written material which is excessively profane and sexually explicit. Let it be known that at any time Weblix reserves the right to judge any material that it deems of an inappropriate adult or sexual nature intolerable for a Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account, thus causing said material to be included under this category of "sexually explicit or illegal nature". Upon reviewing any reports received by Weblix regarding the client's use of their Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices regarding the addressed material of a "sexually explicit or illegal nature", Weblix reserves the right to terminate the client's website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.

Section 6: Racial/Religious Content

No use of a client's Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account to promote unlawful discrimination against or hatred of any particular race, any particular nationality, or any particular religion shall not be tolerated. Let it be known that at any time Weblix reserves the right to judge any material to fall into the above categories, making it unacceptable for a client's Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account. Upon reviewing any reports received by Weblix regarding the client's use of their Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices of promoting unlawful discrimination or hatred of any particular race - any particular nationality - or any particular religion, Weblix reserves the right to terminate the client's website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.

Section 7: Excessive Traffic

Weblix does not permit sites where 20% or more of the monthly traffic is from file downloads, or sites that use more than 10% of system resources, or sites which in Weblix’s view are detrimental to the enjoyment of Weblix services by Weblix’s other clients, or are in the sole and final judgment of the Host, detrimental to network or business operations, or exceed the account's designated monthly allowed bandwidth usage. File download and system resource restrictions do not apply to dedicated servers; however, those servers that exceed their specified monthly traffic and bandwidth limits are subject to an extra monthly fee of $10 per each gigabyte of traffic exceeding their monthly limits and/or restrictions placed on their account by Weblix, at the sole discretion of Weblix.

Section 8: Illegal Account Usage

No use of a client's Weblix website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account shall be used for illegal activities, such as, but not limited to: denial of service attacks, port scanning, flooding of services on other servers, and flooding of services on Weblix servers. Other attacks not mentioned are also not tolerated, to be decided at the discretion of Weblix personnel. Weblix reserves the right to immediately deactivate the client's website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account without refund of website hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.